Cancel Culture

Cancel culture has destroyed careers and upended the lives of many who’ve made a controversial statement or committed a socially unacceptable act. It's sparked a debate about whether such incidents precipitate much-needed change or simply threaten freedom of expression. This CBS Reports documentary dives into these complex conversations, featuring stories of people who experienced being "canceled" — and those who have used it as a tool to hold others to account.

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Cancel culture has destroyed careers and upended the lives of many who’ve made a controversial statement or committed a socially unacceptable act. It's sparked a debate about whether such incidents precipitate much-needed change or simply threaten freedom of expression. This CBS Reports documentary dives into these complex conversations, featuring stories of people who experienced being "canceled" — and those who have used it as a tool to hold others to account.

Watch more documentaries and CBS News Specials that take a deep dive into the key issues driving the national and global conversation here:

CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from CBS News and Stations, available free to everyone with access to the Internet. The CBS News Streaming Network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. Launched in November 2014 as CBSN, the CBS News Streaming Network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on and Paramount+.

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"Speaking Frankly: Cancel Culture" | Full Documentary

Gramps Radio 139K views August 13, 2020 3:31 am

From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.
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If what I am about to tell you is true, almost everything we most treasure – freedom, beauty, reason, the family, economic well-being, and even goodness – is in jeopardy.

Who or what poses this threat?

The answer is the most powerful ideology of the last hundred years: leftism. Not liberalism; leftism – or, if you prefer, “progressivism.” 

Leftism destroys everything it touches. 

Here are a just a few examples:

1. The universities 
Perhaps the most obvious example – one that many liberals acknowledge – is the left’s near destruction of most universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker – an atheist and a liberal – because of the left, “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.”

At almost every university – and now high schools and even elementary schools – students are taught to shut down – not debate – those who differ with them. And to rely on feelings rather than reason.

2. The arts
Throughout history, the primary purpose of art was to elevate people – through beauty, artistic excellence, and emotional depth. To the left, the primary purpose of art, sculpture, and music is to shock. That’s why so much contemporary art is meaningless, and involves the scatological, meaning urine and feces.

Yes, urine and feces. To give one of countless examples, in 2016, the Guggenheim Museum in New York featured a pure-gold working toilet, which visitors were invited to use. The name of the exhibit was “America" – so one could literally relieve oneself on America.

3. Literature
The English department at the University of Pennsylvania replaced the portrait of the greatest English-language writer who ever lived, William Shakespeare, with a picture of a black lesbian poet. Why? Because he was a white European male. Leftist professors have replaced the pursuit of excellence with the pursuit of diversity. 

4. Late-night television
In America, late-night television shows were completely apolitical. The hosts believed their role was to entertain viewers and offer them relief and laughter after a difficult day. No longer. You cannot watch late-night television if you just want to be entertained. Late-night TV is now left-night TV. 

5. Religion

The left has ruined much of mainstream Protestantism and Catholicism, and non-Orthodox Judaism, which are now little more than left-wing organizations with religious symbols. In many churches and synagogues, one is more likely to hear the clergy talk about political issues than about any other subject, including even the Bible. 

For the complete script, visit

From the Boy Scouts to literature, from the arts to universities: the left ruins everything it touches. Dennis Prager explains.
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If what I am about to tell you is true, almost everything we most treasure – freedom, beauty, reason, the family, economic well-being, and even goodness – is in jeopardy.

Who or what poses this threat?

The answer is the most powerful ideology of the last hundred years: leftism. Not liberalism; leftism – or, if you prefer, “progressivism.”

Leftism destroys everything it touches.

Here are a just a few examples:

1. The universities
Perhaps the most obvious example – one that many liberals acknowledge – is the left’s near destruction of most universities as places of learning. In the words of Harvard professor Steven Pinker – an atheist and a liberal – because of the left, “universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance.”

At almost every university – and now high schools and even elementary schools – students are taught to shut down – not debate – those who differ with them. And to rely on feelings rather than reason.

2. The arts
Throughout history, the primary purpose of art was to elevate people – through beauty, artistic excellence, and emotional depth. To the left, the primary purpose of art, sculpture, and music is to shock. That’s why so much contemporary art is meaningless, and involves the scatological, meaning urine and feces.

Yes, urine and feces. To give one of countless examples, in 2016, the Guggenheim Museum in New York featured a pure-gold working toilet, which visitors were invited to use. The name of the exhibit was “America" – so one could literally relieve oneself on America.

3. Literature
The English department at the University of Pennsylvania replaced the portrait of the greatest English-language writer who ever lived, William Shakespeare, with a picture of a black lesbian poet. Why? Because he was a white European male. Leftist professors have replaced the pursuit of excellence with the pursuit of diversity.

4. Late-night television
In America, late-night television shows were completely apolitical. The hosts believed their role was to entertain viewers and offer them relief and laughter after a difficult day. No longer. You cannot watch late-night television if you just want to be entertained. Late-night TV is now left-night TV.

5. Religion

The left has ruined much of mainstream Protestantism and Catholicism, and non-Orthodox Judaism, which are now little more than left-wing organizations with religious symbols. In many churches and synagogues, one is more likely to hear the clergy talk about political issues than about any other subject, including even the Bible.

For the complete script, visit

117.4K 15.1K

YouTube Video UExNcjVjQ2lKTFBYay1yLW5ZQ2hkazNLazRPdkZvNXZzYy4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5

Why Are So Many Good Things Being Destroyed? | 5 Minute Video

Gramps Radio 3.3M views March 25, 2019 12:27 am

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Bill Maher telling the audience of “Real Time with Bill Maher” that the source of all the bad woke ideas appears to be higher education and academia.

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The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist:

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Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Bill Maher telling the audience of “Real Time with Bill Maher” that the source of all the bad woke ideas appears to be higher education and academia.

Watch Dave's FULL DIRECT MESSAGE here:


WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here:


The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist:

To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:

Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
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Bill Maher Names the Source of the Left's Worst Ideas & His Guests Agree | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Gramps Radio 496.2K views January 24, 2023 11:45 am

What once was the start of healthy debate is now just as often a catalyst for personal and professional destruction. “The mob” is out to cancel anyone who crosses it. Paris Dennard describes the problem and offers a solution.

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Niel Golightly had a long and distinguished career as an executive at Boeing. 

Until he didn't.

Gary Garrels had a long and distinguished career as a curator of painting and sculpture at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 

Until he didn't. 

James Bennett had a long and distinguished career as an editor at the New York Times. 

Until he didn't. 

All three were cancelled, their careers, their life's work ended in a virtual instant.  

Golightly wrote an article thirty years ago, objecting to women taking part in military combat.  It was published in Proceedings, the magazine of the U.S. Naval Institute which is about as far from the popular press as you can get.  Somehow it came to the attention of an employee at Boeing who found it sexist. The social media mob got riled up. Golightly apologized, of course. His views had changed in the intervening decades. But it didn't matter. He was forced to resign. 

Garrels concluded a presentation about purchasing art from more racially diverse artists by saying that he would still continue to buy art from white artists. This outraged the staff at the museum who found his remarks smacking of white supremacy. Garrels apologized, of course. He should have been more sensitive to his colleagues' feelings, he said. But it didn't matter. He was forced to resign. 

Bennett published an opinion piece by Republican Senator Tom Cotton, arguing that if the Black Lives Matter inspired riots continued to overwhelm local police, the federal government should send in the National Guard to restore order.  

New York Times staff claimed that Cotton's words were threatening. They personally felt endangered by them. They demanded Bennett's head. Bennett apologized, of course. He just thought the Times readers should be exposed to a different point of view. But it didn't matter. He was forced to resign.
Former Times columnist Bari Weiss perfectly described the situation in her resignation letter shortly after Bennet's banishment.  

"Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor."

This is the "cancel culture" that now pervades America. Yet, people on the left, the very people responsible for it, claim it doesn't exist. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocks those who fear its growing influence: "Odds are you're not actually cancelled," she tweeted.  "You're just being challenged, held accountable, or unliked."

The representative's claim that this is merely "accountability culture" is common on the Left. 

Don't believe it.

"Accountability" means "a duty to explain." Accountability involves confronting a person with their actions in a way that allows them to explain themselves or ask for forgiveness—and otherwise continue the dialogue. 

The purpose of cancellation is very different. It seeks to bring all conversation to an end—to strike fear in the public so that no one else dares to speak up.  

That is cancellation—and it extends far beyond criticism. Cancellation involves social media mobs engaged in public shaming and the creation of blacklists. It seeks the destruction of the career and reputation of anyone who differs with a leftist position.

“The bullies,” says social critic Douglas Murray, “want to stop the rest of us talking or thinking.”

Virtually no one is immune. Not Kevin Hart, not JK Rowling, not Woodrow Wilson, not Drew Brees. 

Not the famous or the unknown; not the living or the dead.  

So many have been burned at the social media stake, one has to wonder if the mob is going to run out of victims.

But this fire will not burn itself out. We have to stop it.


For the complete script visit

What once was the start of healthy debate is now just as often a catalyst for personal and professional destruction. “The mob” is out to cancel anyone who crosses it. Paris Dennard describes the problem and offers a solution.

Check out @realparisdennard on Instagram!

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Niel Golightly had a long and distinguished career as an executive at Boeing. 

Until he didn't.

Gary Garrels had a long and distinguished career as a curator of painting and sculpture at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 

Until he didn't. 

James Bennett had a long and distinguished career as an editor at the New York Times. 

Until he didn't. 

All three were cancelled, their careers, their life's work ended in a virtual instant.  

Golightly wrote an article thirty years ago, objecting to women taking part in military combat.  It was published in Proceedings, the magazine of the U.S. Naval Institute which is about as far from the popular press as you can get.  Somehow it came to the attention of an employee at Boeing who found it sexist. The social media mob got riled up. Golightly apologized, of course. His views had changed in the intervening decades. But it didn't matter. He was forced to resign. 

Garrels concluded a presentation about purchasing art from more racially diverse artists by saying that he would still continue to buy art from white artists. This outraged the staff at the museum who found his remarks smacking of white supremacy. Garrels apologized, of course. He should have been more sensitive to his colleagues' feelings, he said. But it didn't matter. He was forced to resign. 

Bennett published an opinion piece by Republican Senator Tom Cotton, arguing that if the Black Lives Matter inspired riots continued to overwhelm local police, the federal government should send in the National Guard to restore order.  

New York Times staff claimed that Cotton's words were threatening. They personally felt endangered by them. They demanded Bennett's head. Bennett apologized, of course. He just thought the Times readers should be exposed to a different point of view. But it didn't matter. He was forced to resign.
Former Times columnist Bari Weiss perfectly described the situation in her resignation letter shortly after Bennet's banishment.  

"Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor."

This is the "cancel culture" that now pervades America. Yet, people on the left, the very people responsible for it, claim it doesn't exist. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocks those who fear its growing influence: "Odds are you're not actually cancelled," she tweeted.  "You're just being challenged, held accountable, or unliked."

The representative's claim that this is merely "accountability culture" is common on the Left. 

Don't believe it.

"Accountability" means "a duty to explain." Accountability involves confronting a person with their actions in a way that allows them to explain themselves or ask for forgiveness—and otherwise continue the dialogue. 

The purpose of cancellation is very different. It seeks to bring all conversation to an end—to strike fear in the public so that no one else dares to speak up.  

That is cancellation—and it extends far beyond criticism. Cancellation involves social media mobs engaged in public shaming and the creation of blacklists. It seeks the destruction of the career and reputation of anyone who differs with a leftist position.

“The bullies,” says social critic Douglas Murray, “want to stop the rest of us talking or thinking.”

Virtually no one is immune. Not Kevin Hart, not JK Rowling, not Woodrow Wilson, not Drew Brees. 

Not the famous or the unknown; not the living or the dead.  

So many have been burned at the social media stake, one has to wonder if the mob is going to run out of victims.

But this fire will not burn itself out. We have to stop it.


For the complete script visit

34.9K 2.3K


Never Apologize to the Mob | 5 Minute Video

Gramps Radio 443.6K views September 28, 2020 8:06 am