Fake News

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Michael Malice (Author and Media Personality) about the power and manipulation done by corporate mainstream media. Michael Malice is an author and host of the “Your Welcome with Michael Malice” podcast. His most recent book is “The New Right”. Michael talks about how the corporate mainstream media uses its power to rig elections against outsiders like Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang. He makes the point that it is not the Democrats that run the media, but that the DNC is run by the media. Malice believes it is becoming clearer to many on the left that it is not Democrat vs. Republican, but establishment vs. outsider. Malice gives examples from the past of how the media has controlled the narrative putting it’s agenda first. Michael also shares his thoughts and reacts to a clip of a Don Lemon hosted CNN panel mocking Trump supporters. The viral clip features ex-GOP strategist Rick Wilson, and CNN contributor Wajahat Ali. In the clip Rick Wilson mocks the 'credulous boomer rube demo' that supports the president. Michael reveals the surprising dark origins of the southern rube stereotype. He also discusses the way the media portrayed Joe Rogan in a negative light when he was seen as endorsing Bernie Sanders and how the media use framing to get the viewer to think of certain personalities in a nefarious way. Media will intentionally use certain language to train their audience what to think. He feels that this is the key difference between having a bias and having an agenda. He points out that by them doing this they have alienated fans of people like Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Joe Rogan, Kobe Bryant, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Don Imus. He also talks about how there is an asymmetry between truth and lying and that the media is destroying it’s trust far faster than it can be regained. Michael also gives his thoughts on if there is new support for Donald Trump where there wasn’t in the past and the reason behind his donation to Joe Biden’s campaign and how Biden brought the learn to code meme to life. All this and much more.

Watch Dave Rubin’s previous interview with Michael Malice here: 

Watch Dave Rubin’s first interview with Michael Malice here: 

Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to having a healthy democracy. No matter what political party you belong to, we need to be able to hear a variety of political perspectives. Whether you majored in political science or just want to have a deeper understanding of the issues you’ll want to check out this playlist:

To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:

Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube. 
Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
New videos every week.

The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations: http://www.rubinreport.com/support


Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is now available for pre-order: www.dontburnthisbook.com

LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast

See Dave LIVE:  https://daverubin.com/events/

Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a month: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter

Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/therubinreport

All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet. 
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html


Michael Malice
Author and Media Personality
Michael on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MichaelMalice
Get the book "The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics'


Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
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Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin
Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en
About Dave Rubin: http://rubinreport.com

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Michael Malice (Author and Media Personality) about the power and manipulation done by corporate mainstream media. Michael Malice is an author and host of the “Your Welcome with Michael Malice” podcast. His most recent book is “The New Right”. Michael talks about how the corporate mainstream media uses its power to rig elections against outsiders like Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang. He makes the point that it is not the Democrats that run the media, but that the DNC is run by the media. Malice believes it is becoming clearer to many on the left that it is not Democrat vs. Republican, but establishment vs. outsider. Malice gives examples from the past of how the media has controlled the narrative putting it’s agenda first. Michael also shares his thoughts and reacts to a clip of a Don Lemon hosted CNN panel mocking Trump supporters. The viral clip features ex-GOP strategist Rick Wilson, and CNN contributor Wajahat Ali. In the clip Rick Wilson mocks the 'credulous boomer rube demo' that supports the president. Michael reveals the surprising dark origins of the southern rube stereotype. He also discusses the way the media portrayed Joe Rogan in a negative light when he was seen as endorsing Bernie Sanders and how the media use framing to get the viewer to think of certain personalities in a nefarious way. Media will intentionally use certain language to train their audience what to think. He feels that this is the key difference between having a bias and having an agenda. He points out that by them doing this they have alienated fans of people like Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Joe Rogan, Kobe Bryant, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Don Imus. He also talks about how there is an asymmetry between truth and lying and that the media is destroying it’s trust far faster than it can be regained. Michael also gives his thoughts on if there is new support for Donald Trump where there wasn’t in the past and the reason behind his donation to Joe Biden’s campaign and how Biden brought the learn to code meme to life. All this and much more.

Watch Dave Rubin’s previous interview with Michael Malice here:

Watch Dave Rubin’s first interview with Michael Malice here:

Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to having a healthy democracy. No matter what political party you belong to, we need to be able to hear a variety of political perspectives. Whether you majored in political science or just want to have a deeper understanding of the issues you’ll want to check out this playlist:

To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:

Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
New videos every week.

The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations: http://www.rubinreport.com/support


Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is now available for pre-order: www.dontburnthisbook.com

LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast

See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/

Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a month: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter

Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/therubinreport

All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html


Michael Malice
Author and Media Personality
Michael on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MichaelMalice
Get the book "The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics'


Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
Follow The Rubin Report on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubinreport
Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin
Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en
About Dave Rubin: http://rubinreport.com

10.8K 1.2K

YouTube Video UExNcjVjQ2lKTFBYazVqUzkzQVlQMXhfbzUzeVRMSk1DeS4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5

Exposing the Reality Of How Media Always Manipulates Us | Michael Malice | POLITICS | Rubin Report

Gramps Radio 284.3K views February 2, 2020 5:45 am

Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.

Donate today to PragerU! http://l.prageru.com/2eB2p0h

To view the script, sources, quiz, and study guides, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-happened-in-charlottesville

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Politicians lie.
We all know that.
That is not an indictment of all politicians—it’s simply part of the game.

It’s our job, as informed citizens, to figure out the truth. And that’s where journalists and the media come in. They are supposed to help us ferret out fact from fiction. So when they get a fact wrong, that’s bad.
When they get a fact wrong, know it’s wrong, and don’t correct it, that’s worse. That’s not getting a fact wrong; that’s a lie. And that’s journalistic malfeasance.
The best (or maybe worst) example of this followed a presidential press conference at Trump Tower on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.
You remember what happened that previous weekend: A group of white supremacists held a
“white pride” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The ostensible reason was to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. 

An Antifa group showed up to counter-protest. The mayor and the police were totally unprepared to deal with the violence that ensued. Tragically, a young woman, Heather Heyer, was run over and killed by a neo-Nazi.
The press conference itself was raucous. The media was antagonistic. The president was combative.
Out of it all, one phrase eclipsed the thousands of words exchanged: The media reported that President Trump described neo-Nazis as “very fine people.”
Only, he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t even hint at it. Just the opposite: he condemned the neo-Nazis in no uncertain terms. So then, who were the “fine people” he mentioned?
The answer: He was referring to another group of Charlottesville demonstrators who came out that weekend—protestors who wanted the Robert E. Lee statue removed and protestors who wanted to keep the statue and restore the park’s original name. 
This is what President Trump said about those peaceful protestors: “You also had some very fine people on both sides. . . .  You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of—to them—a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
A few moments later, in case there would be any misunderstanding, he makes his meaning even more explicit.  “…I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally.”
Lest you have any doubts that good people were in Charlottesville to protest the removal of the
Robert E Lee statue, the New York Times confirmed it in a story they published the next day, August 16.
“’Good people can go to Charlottesville,’ said Michelle Piercy, a night shift worker at a Wichita, Kansas retirement home, who drove all night with a conservative group that opposed the planned removal of a statue of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee. After listening to Mr. Trump on Tuesday, she said it was as if he had channeled her and her friends… who had no interest in standing with Nazis or white supremacists…”

For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-happened-in-charlottesville

Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.

Donate today to PragerU! http://l.prageru.com/2eB2p0h

To view the script, sources, quiz, and study guides, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-happened-in-charlottesville

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Politicians lie.

We all know that.

That is not an indictment of all politicians—it’s simply part of the game.

It’s our job, as informed citizens, to figure out the truth. And that’s where journalists and the media come in. They are supposed to help us ferret out fact from fiction. So when they get a fact wrong, that’s bad.

When they get a fact wrong, know it’s wrong, and don’t correct it, that’s worse. That’s not getting a fact wrong; that’s a lie. And that’s journalistic malfeasance.

The best (or maybe worst) example of this followed a presidential press conference at Trump Tower on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.

You remember what happened that previous weekend: A group of white supremacists held a
“white pride” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The ostensible reason was to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

An Antifa group showed up to counter-protest. The mayor and the police were totally unprepared to deal with the violence that ensued. Tragically, a young woman, Heather Heyer, was run over and killed by a neo-Nazi.

The press conference itself was raucous. The media was antagonistic. The president was combative.

Out of it all, one phrase eclipsed the thousands of words exchanged: The media reported that President Trump described neo-Nazis as “very fine people.”

Only, he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t even hint at it. Just the opposite: he condemned the neo-Nazis in no uncertain terms. So then, who were the “fine people” he mentioned?

The answer: He was referring to another group of Charlottesville demonstrators who came out that weekend—protestors who wanted the Robert E. Lee statue removed and protestors who wanted to keep the statue and restore the park’s original name.

This is what President Trump said about those peaceful protestors: “You also had some very fine people on both sides. . . . You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of—to them—a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

A few moments later, in case there would be any misunderstanding, he makes his meaning even more explicit. “…I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally.”

Lest you have any doubts that good people were in Charlottesville to protest the removal of the
Robert E Lee statue, the New York Times confirmed it in a story they published the next day, August 16.

“’Good people can go to Charlottesville,’ said Michelle Piercy, a night shift worker at a Wichita, Kansas retirement home, who drove all night with a conservative group that opposed the planned removal of a statue of the Confederate general Robert E. Lee. After listening to Mr. Trump on Tuesday, she said it was as if he had channeled her and her friends… who had no interest in standing with Nazis or white supremacists…”

For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-happened-in-charlottesville

48.4K 6.5K

YouTube Video UExNcjVjQ2lKTFBYazVqUzkzQVlQMXhfbzUzeVRMSk1DeS41MjE1MkI0OTQ2QzJGNzNG

What Happened in Charlottesville? | 5 Minute Video

Gramps Radio 3.6M views August 5, 2019 1:00 am

Is the press trustworthy? Can we believe what reporters and journalists tell us? Judith Miller, Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter for the New York Times, explains why Americans' trust in the news media has fallen, and why that matters. 
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Liberal or conservative, male or female, young or old, Americans love to bash the news media. Once among the nation's most trusted institutions, the news media have fallen from grace. 

According to Gallup, even as recently as 2000 a majority of Americans trusted the press; by 2015 it had fallen to 40 percent; and lower than that, 36 percent, among those 18 to 49. It's hard to see how this decline will be reversed. The industry has become politically polarized and, in the highly competitive age of multiple 24-hour cable news channels and the Internet, it's under severe financial pressure. And this compounds an even deeper problem – failing journalistic standards.

In the 1950s, the media universe consisted mainly of a few national television broadcast networks, and local TV and radio stations, most of which got much of their “news” from major wire services and the nation's large newspapers. Most journalists were committed to producing “objective” journalism – fact-based stories independent of the government and of political parties. A reporter's job was to report, not offer opinion or advocate. Presented with the facts, it was up to readers to make their own judgments about news events. Opinions were supposed to be confined to editorial and op-ed pages. 

That world no longer exists.

This lack of objectivity and the decline of standards is one reason, though not the only one, why newspapers and news magazines are a declining industry. According to Pew Research, print revenue from newspaper sales has declined from $47 billion in 2006 to $16 billion in 2014. Digital sales haven't come close to making up the difference. Most papers have been forced to cut operating expenses: slash staff and close bureaus – overseas, in particular. Ironically, there are more stories than ever to cover and fewer staff than ever to cover them. 

This lack of information from professional journalists has been filled by a new source – social media and the blogosphere. When the Iraq war, which I covered for the New York Times, began in 2003, there were roughly one hundred thousand bloggers. Only a few years later, there were an estimated twenty-seven million.

The Internet as a news source has obvious pluses and minuses. On the plus side is that information is spread widely and instantly. The minuses have to do with the fact that the quality of reporting varies dramatically. It's not easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Furthermore, many sites, including mainstream sites, have abandoned traditional journalistic practices and standards in search of more and more “eyeballs.” Objectivity, once the gold standard of reporting, is now often seen as old-fashioned, a ratings loser. When success is measured mainly in terms of “clicks,” the outrageous beats the sober just about every time.
Inserting opinion, even in the middle of a news story, is a way in which journalists can distinguish themselves. And in mainstream media outlets, those opinions overwhelmingly tend to be liberal. This might not be so bad if journalists acknowledged their bias. But they almost never do. Yet the bias is obvious.

For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/can-you-trust-press

Is the press trustworthy? Can we believe what reporters and journalists tell us? Judith Miller, Pulitzer Prize-winning former reporter for the New York Times, explains why Americans' trust in the news media has fallen, and why that matters.
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Liberal or conservative, male or female, young or old, Americans love to bash the news media. Once among the nation's most trusted institutions, the news media have fallen from grace.

According to Gallup, even as recently as 2000 a majority of Americans trusted the press; by 2015 it had fallen to 40 percent; and lower than that, 36 percent, among those 18 to 49. It's hard to see how this decline will be reversed. The industry has become politically polarized and, in the highly competitive age of multiple 24-hour cable news channels and the Internet, it's under severe financial pressure. And this compounds an even deeper problem – failing journalistic standards.

In the 1950s, the media universe consisted mainly of a few national television broadcast networks, and local TV and radio stations, most of which got much of their “news” from major wire services and the nation's large newspapers. Most journalists were committed to producing “objective” journalism – fact-based stories independent of the government and of political parties. A reporter's job was to report, not offer opinion or advocate. Presented with the facts, it was up to readers to make their own judgments about news events. Opinions were supposed to be confined to editorial and op-ed pages.

That world no longer exists.

This lack of objectivity and the decline of standards is one reason, though not the only one, why newspapers and news magazines are a declining industry. According to Pew Research, print revenue from newspaper sales has declined from $47 billion in 2006 to $16 billion in 2014. Digital sales haven't come close to making up the difference. Most papers have been forced to cut operating expenses: slash staff and close bureaus – overseas, in particular. Ironically, there are more stories than ever to cover and fewer staff than ever to cover them.

This lack of information from professional journalists has been filled by a new source – social media and the blogosphere. When the Iraq war, which I covered for the New York Times, began in 2003, there were roughly one hundred thousand bloggers. Only a few years later, there were an estimated twenty-seven million.

The Internet as a news source has obvious pluses and minuses. On the plus side is that information is spread widely and instantly. The minuses have to do with the fact that the quality of reporting varies dramatically. It's not easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Furthermore, many sites, including mainstream sites, have abandoned traditional journalistic practices and standards in search of more and more “eyeballs.” Objectivity, once the gold standard of reporting, is now often seen as old-fashioned, a ratings loser. When success is measured mainly in terms of “clicks,” the outrageous beats the sober just about every time.
Inserting opinion, even in the middle of a news story, is a way in which journalists can distinguish themselves. And in mainstream media outlets, those opinions overwhelmingly tend to be liberal. This might not be so bad if journalists acknowledged their bias. But they almost never do. Yet the bias is obvious.

For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/can-you-trust-press

24.3K 2.4K


Can You Trust The Press? | 5 Minute Video

Gramps Radio 1.2M views October 3, 2016 2:21 am

Trust in the media is at an all-time low. But should it be? Why do fewer and fewer Americans trust the mainstream media. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, author of The Smear, explains.
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Trust in the media is at an all-time low—and for good reason.

We in the business of journalism have exempted ourselves from the normal rules that used to govern us, and so the most egregious kinds of reporting errors are becoming more common.

Formerly well-respected news organizations and experienced national reporters are making the sorts of mistakes that wouldn’t be tolerated in journalism school.

When these mistakes are corrected at all, it’s with seemingly little regret.
And the corrections never get anywhere near as much attention as the original salacious—but incorrect—narrative.

How did we get here? 

I discuss that in detail in my book, The Smear.

Here are three factors:

First, firewalls that once strictly separated news from opinion have been replaced by hopelessly blurred lines. Once-forbidden practices, such as editorializing within straight news reports and the inclusion of opinions as if fact, are not only tolerated—they’re encouraged. The result: It’s never been harder for Americans to separate news that’s real from news that’s not.

Example: May 14, 2016, ten days after Donald Trump became the Republican presidential nominee, the New York Times published a blockbuster article titled, “Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved with Women in Private.” The story’s authors, Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, interviewed Rowanne Lane, an ex-girlfriend of Trump’s. Her quotes made Trump sound, at best, like a jerk, and at worst, like a predator. 

The reporters went so far as to provide their own quotes for the story, presenting their personal commentary as if it were established fact, writing, “This is the public treatment of some women by Mr. Trump...degrading, impersonal, performed.” 

The problem is, the reporting wasn’t true—according to Trump’s supposed victim.
Once the story was published, she publicly accused the Times of misleading her, writing a “hit piece” against Trump and putting a “negative connotation” on what—she said—was “not...a negative experience.” 

No matter where you stand, this was a huge development in terms of journalism: the main source behind front-page national news discredited the entire premise of the story.

You’d expect something like that to rock the whole news organization and prompt investigations, a retraction, and re-examination of policies. Yet, I can find no record of any of that. The Times and their reporters never even apologized or printed a correction.

Second, though we may personally like or dislike a politician, as journalists we’re obligated to treat them the same. Too often, that’s not the case.

For example: In May 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama said he had visited 57 states. Since there are only 50 states, everyone knew what he meant. He meant to say was that he had visited 47 states. The remark, nothing more than a verbal gaffe, drew little attention. And it didn’t deserve more. But when Sarah Palin made a comparable gaffe, saying, “We’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies,” she was relentlessly ridiculed and mocked in the media even though everyone knew she meant to say “South Korean allies.” 

For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-no-one-trusts-mainstream-media

Trust in the media is at an all-time low. But should it be? Why do fewer and fewer Americans trust the mainstream media. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, author of The Smear, explains.
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Trust in the media is at an all-time low—and for good reason.

We in the business of journalism have exempted ourselves from the normal rules that used to govern us, and so the most egregious kinds of reporting errors are becoming more common.

Formerly well-respected news organizations and experienced national reporters are making the sorts of mistakes that wouldn’t be tolerated in journalism school.

When these mistakes are corrected at all, it’s with seemingly little regret.
And the corrections never get anywhere near as much attention as the original salacious—but incorrect—narrative.

How did we get here?

I discuss that in detail in my book, The Smear.

Here are three factors:

First, firewalls that once strictly separated news from opinion have been replaced by hopelessly blurred lines. Once-forbidden practices, such as editorializing within straight news reports and the inclusion of opinions as if fact, are not only tolerated—they’re encouraged. The result: It’s never been harder for Americans to separate news that’s real from news that’s not.

Example: May 14, 2016, ten days after Donald Trump became the Republican presidential nominee, the New York Times published a blockbuster article titled, “Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved with Women in Private.” The story’s authors, Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, interviewed Rowanne Lane, an ex-girlfriend of Trump’s. Her quotes made Trump sound, at best, like a jerk, and at worst, like a predator.

The reporters went so far as to provide their own quotes for the story, presenting their personal commentary as if it were established fact, writing, “This is the public treatment of some women by Mr. Trump...degrading, impersonal, performed.”

The problem is, the reporting wasn’t true—according to Trump’s supposed victim.
Once the story was published, she publicly accused the Times of misleading her, writing a “hit piece” against Trump and putting a “negative connotation” on what—she said—was “not...a negative experience.”

No matter where you stand, this was a huge development in terms of journalism: the main source behind front-page national news discredited the entire premise of the story.

You’d expect something like that to rock the whole news organization and prompt investigations, a retraction, and re-examination of policies. Yet, I can find no record of any of that. The Times and their reporters never even apologized or printed a correction.

Second, though we may personally like or dislike a politician, as journalists we’re obligated to treat them the same. Too often, that’s not the case.

For example: In May 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama said he had visited 57 states. Since there are only 50 states, everyone knew what he meant. He meant to say was that he had visited 47 states. The remark, nothing more than a verbal gaffe, drew little attention. And it didn’t deserve more. But when Sarah Palin made a comparable gaffe, saying, “We’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies,” she was relentlessly ridiculed and mocked in the media even though everyone knew she meant to say “South Korean allies.”

For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-no-one-trusts-mainstream-media

49.5K 3.6K


Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media | 5 Minute Video

Gramps Radio 1.5M views November 6, 2017 2:10 am

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of “Meet the Press’” Chuck Todd losing his cool with Rep. Ron Johnson over the potential of a Hunter Biden investigation and being accused of media bias.


Watch Dave's FULL DIRECT MESSAGE here:

WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com


The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist:

To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:

Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
New videos every week.

The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations:


Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/

Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s  New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/

Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at:

LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast

See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/

Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter

Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/

All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html


Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
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Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin
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About Dave Rubin: http://daverubin.com/

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of “Meet the Press’” Chuck Todd losing his cool with Rep. Ron Johnson over the potential of a Hunter Biden investigation and being accused of media bias.


Watch Dave's FULL DIRECT MESSAGE here:

WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com


The Direct Message segments of the Rubin Report are a chance for Dave Rubin to directly address current events, political news and the topics of the day. Whether it’s encouraging critical thinking, defending free speech, or fending off political correctness, it’s only by having calm rational conversations about these issues that can help de-escalate the political polarization and help heal our democracy. To hear what Dave has to say on these and a variety of other topics watch this playlist:

To make sure you never miss a single Rubin Report video, click here to subscribe:

Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
Dave allows his guests to speak their minds and his audience to think for themselves.
New videos every week.

The Rubin Report is fan funded through monthly and one-time donations:


Join Dave's Locals community: https://rubinreport.locals.com/

Order “Don't Burn This Country” the follow up to Dave Rubin’s New York Times bestselling “Don’t Burn This Book” here: https://daverubin.com/book/

Dave Rubin's book, "Don't Burn This Book" is available at:

LISTEN to The Rubin Report podcast: www.rubinreport.com/podcast

See Dave LIVE: https://daverubin.com/events/

Sign up for our newsletter with the best of The Rubin Report delivered to your inbox once a week: http://www.rubinreport.com/newsletter

Official Rubin Report Merchandise: https://rubinreport.myshopify.com/

All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.
Get a print here: https://www.caylinrosejanet.com/rubinreportart.html


Follow Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RubinReport
Follow The Rubin Report on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rubinreport
Follow Dave on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daverubin
Follow Dave on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubinreport/?hl=en
About Dave Rubin: http://daverubin.com/

25.7K 2.8K


Watch News Host Lose His Cool When Guest Points Out His Insane Bias | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

Gramps Radio 692.9K views January 16, 2023 10:15 am

Have you heard of NewsGuard? Its mission is to “counter misinformation on behalf of readers, brands, and democracies.” In other words, it “guards” the news by telling you what you can and cannot trust. Of course, this begs the question: can you trust NewGuard?

Sign the petition: https://l.prageru.com/3XQcGy4


Good news!

Thinking for yourself is no longer necessary.

The new heroes of the Internet will do it for you—companies you’ve never heard of, but who are watching out for your best interests.

Meet one of them.

They call themselves NewsGuard.

A perfect name.

Because that’s what they do.

They “guard” the news.

They make sure you only get the good stuff.

The stuff you can trust.

Best of all, NewsGuard is backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers' unions, and even the government.

So, if Newsguard says something isn’t safe to read, you know you should scroll on.

I mean, if you can’t trust the government who can you trust?

Wait … you don’t like what I just described?

Sounds more like a nightmare than the world you want to live in?

You like to do your own thinking?

You’re perfectly capable of figuring out which sources are credible, and which aren’t.

That, you say, is the right and obligation of a free citizen in a free country.

If so, welcome to my world.

I’m the CEO of PragerU.

We’re fighting against companies like NewsGuard every day.

We didn’t pick the fight.

They did.

We have our own take on the events of the day and on the events of yesterday.

We’re happy to have you make your own judgment on whether we’ve got it right or whether we’ve got it wrong.

But there are many organizations that don’t have that attitude.

Like the aforementioned NewsGuard.

Let’s look a little more into this company which, by the way, is a for-profit enterprise. PragerU is a 501c3, a non-profit. We’re big fans of profit. Profit makes the world go round. But if your business is, say, promoting COVID vaccine efficacy, and your biggest client is the public relations firm for Pfizer, it’s fair to ask whether you would be completely unbiased when judging a story questioning the safety of COVID vaccines.

But that doesn’t trouble NewsGuard.

They’re convinced their judgments are free from any taint.

Just ask them.

They’ll tell you.

But who are “they”?

Their co-founder and CEO is a Democratic party loyalist.  He’s on record dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as likely a “hoax . . . maybe even . . . perpetrated by the Russians.”  The NewsGuard staff, not surprisingly, is mostly comprised of left-leaning activists and ex-journalists.

And guess who they don’t like?

Yeah, they really don’t like PragerU, The Daily Wire, Breitbart, The Federalist, and other news and opinion sources that are not on the left.

But let’s not be too harsh. If you stray from NewGuard’s way of seeing things, they will give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Have you heard of NewsGuard? Its mission is to “counter misinformation on behalf of readers, brands, and democracies.” In other words, it “guards” the news by telling you what you can and cannot trust. Of course, this begs the question: can you trust NewGuard?

Sign the petition: https://l.prageru.com/3XQcGy4


Good news!

Thinking for yourself is no longer necessary.

The new heroes of the Internet will do it for you—companies you’ve never heard of, but who are watching out for your best interests.

Meet one of them.

They call themselves NewsGuard.

A perfect name.

Because that’s what they do.

They “guard” the news.

They make sure you only get the good stuff.

The stuff you can trust.

Best of all, NewsGuard is backed by Big Pharma, Big Tech, the teachers' unions, and even the government.

So, if Newsguard says something isn’t safe to read, you know you should scroll on.

I mean, if you can’t trust the government who can you trust?

Wait … you don’t like what I just described?

Sounds more like a nightmare than the world you want to live in?

You like to do your own thinking?

You’re perfectly capable of figuring out which sources are credible, and which aren’t.

That, you say, is the right and obligation of a free citizen in a free country.

If so, welcome to my world.

I’m the CEO of PragerU.

We’re fighting against companies like NewsGuard every day.

We didn’t pick the fight.

They did.

We have our own take on the events of the day and on the events of yesterday.

We’re happy to have you make your own judgment on whether we’ve got it right or whether we’ve got it wrong.

But there are many organizations that don’t have that attitude.

Like the aforementioned NewsGuard.

Let’s look a little more into this company which, by the way, is a for-profit enterprise. PragerU is a 501c3, a non-profit. We’re big fans of profit. Profit makes the world go round. But if your business is, say, promoting COVID vaccine efficacy, and your biggest client is the public relations firm for Pfizer, it’s fair to ask whether you would be completely unbiased when judging a story questioning the safety of COVID vaccines.

But that doesn’t trouble NewsGuard.

They’re convinced their judgments are free from any taint.

Just ask them.

They’ll tell you.

But who are “they”?

Their co-founder and CEO is a Democratic party loyalist. He’s on record dismissing the Hunter Biden laptop as likely a “hoax . . . maybe even . . . perpetrated by the Russians.” The NewsGuard staff, not surprisingly, is mostly comprised of left-leaning activists and ex-journalists.

And guess who they don’t like?

Yeah, they really don’t like PragerU, The Daily Wire, Breitbart, The Federalist, and other news and opinion sources that are not on the left.

But let’s not be too harsh. If you stray from NewGuard’s way of seeing things, they will give you a chance to redeem yourself.


NewsGuard: Fact Checkers with Too Much Power | 5 Minute Videos

Gramps Radio views July 9, 2024 5:04 am